Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Unique Content Article: Do You Make These Costly Website Design Mistakes?

<h2 class = 'uawtitle'>Do You Make These Costly Website Design Mistakes?</h2><br />
<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawbyline'>by Nate Ouland</div><br /><br />
<div class='uawarticle'>As an internet marketer, you need to make sure that your website is as good as it can possibly be. Your profits will be disappointing, if you get any, by merely uploading a simple one or two page site and never building on it. Not much in IM is as simple as it may appear to you. But creating a site that is effective for your business doesn't need to be hard. With just a few simple steps and a few minutes of your time you can greatly improve the impact your website will have on the people who visit it. Now, we'll talk about how you can go about getting that done.<br />
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White space in your website is nothing to be afraid of. If you look around, it can seem like some designers look at white space as something to be avoided. You'll see so many websites with an abundance of pics and colors, and that's one reason why. The simple fact is white space is good because it helps keep your website clean and professional looking. White space also helps the readers eyes to relax so they can focus on your content better. Your site will have a purpose, and all the images/colors compete for the attention of your readers which may be counter to your desires. One thing you should do is load your site by using several different web browsers. Many websites have a different appearance depending on the browser that is being used to load them. You might use Google Chrome and see your site as dark blue, but if you use Firefox it might appear maroon, and possibly sky blue on Internet Explorer. You should also decide if you require <a href="http://www.webhostingmasters.com/types/shared-vs-dedicated-hosting">shared vs dedicated hosting</a> for your web site.<br />
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No matter what anybody tells you, automatic sound is a bad idea. This is the kind of attention-getting device that can easily work against you, as many find this intrusive. The effect of a loud soundtrack can be similar to an obnoxious TV commercial; in both cases, the instinct is to turn it off, or in the case of your website, click away to somewhere else. People may be open to listening to an audio file or watching a video, but they want to be able to choose to open it themselves. You could be losing many sales if you have potentially annoying automated features that drive people away. If you build your sites with Visual Studio you may also want to look into <a href="http://www.webhostingmasters.com/best-web-hosts/asp-net-website-hosting">ASP.NET website hosting</a>.<br />
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It's always helpful to keep a healthy proportion between sales copy and informational text. You don't want to go overboard on the text that is meant to sell something. If you violate that rule, your visitors will just leave and never return - that simple. You should test it out, but you can try using about 25% for sales copy and 75% for information content. Of course you want to develop a feeling of trust, and you won't do that if you engage in aggressive selling. You want the reader to keep reading all the way to the end of the page where they will find a way to buy your product. If you start to sell too soon, you could alienate your readers.<br />
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Building a website that looks good and is easy to navigate is not that hard. Be willing to spend some time on it, and avoid going to extremes in anything. The better your website looks, the more sales you are likely to make from it. It's not sufficient to just build a website. If you want to make money on the internet, you need a good website that stands out.<br />
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<div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawabout'><br />
About the Author:<br />
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<div class='uawlinks'>If you build your sites with Visual Studio you may also want to look into <a href="http://www.webhostingmasters.com/best-web-hosts/asp-net-website-hosting">ASP.NET website hosting</a></div><br />
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New Unique Article!<br />
<br />
Title: Do You Make These Costly Website Design Mistakes?<br />
Author: Nate Ouland<br />
Email: sales@synergistic-labs.com<br />
Keywords: web design,ecommerce,internet business,internet,business<br />
Word Count: 633<br />
Category: Web Design<br />

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