Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Unique Content Article: Santa Delivers Tires?

Santa Delivers Tires?

by Kathleen Ryan

So today you got a flat tire on your brand new Bentley and guess what, you tried to save a couple bucks when you bought the car so you didn't get a spare. Being the penny pincher that you are, you also decided to forgo the road side assistance on your insurance. So what to do now?

To stick out your thumb and hope for a friendly ride or to start the walk to the nearest tire store which is a long 25 miles away is the question at hand. Being 20 miles out from the nearest phone is not the best place to be.

You reach into your $200 shorts pocket and pull out the latest iPhone 5 that you just happened to get from a good friend before they were even released to the public but to your dismay, the phone is dead because of the mass amounts of Fruit Ninja you just played before you left the house. Oh, and no signal since you are out on the open road far far away from any AT&T cell towers.

So against your better judgment, you stick out your thumb and begin the 20 mile trek to the nearest phone. Couple cars pass by a BMW, then a Buick, Ferrari and a Chevrolet. As you walk down the dusty road you hear a car come to a screeching stop and turn to see a Aston Martin not 2 inches from scruff of your pant leg. You pan up to see a crazy eyed old man with two teeth grinning from ear to ear.

"Need a tire" he says with the craziest French accent you have ever heard. "Yes, yes I do", you reply.

The trunk pops opened as the wild man says "Those tires are $400 a piece" When you walk to peer into the trunk you are amazed to see the exact tire size on the perfect rim to fit your needs.

How in the world did this old man happen along this exact span of highway with your exact tire size and your exact rim? Four hundred dollars is a steal and just so happens you have that in your wallet on a daily basis. You drop the cash on his dash and being the rich lazy good-for-nothing that you are you say "I'll give you an extra bill if you put it on the car for me." In a cloud of dust the old man tears off as quickly as he had arrived. All you hear as he screeches from sight is "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"

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New Unique Article!

Title: Santa Delivers Tires?
Author: Kathleen Ryan
Keywords: Cars,Wheels and Tires,personal stories,perspectives,insurance,aston martin,bentley,bmw,buick,car auto insurance,ferrari,last minute travel,man issues,mens interests,mobile technology
Word Count: 430
Category: Product Reviews

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