Thursday, December 1, 2011

Unique Content Article: Learn About These Off Page Optimization Tips

Learn About These Off Page Optimization Tips

by Reed Slidell

When doing off page optimization, you want a assortment of sources for your links. You also need a variety of different anchor texts. A few years gone when it was much weighted on what the actual text of the anchor links was, when you googled miserable failure, the actual number one result was George Bush's profile page at There were such a lot of people linking to his page with the anchor text announcing miserable failure, that he ranked number one for unhappy failure. When they did this Google bombing, they were given everyone to create a link to that White House page saying miserable failure and everyone linked to that page with the same anchor text.

Google got smart, and this was early days before it started to evolve, Google is now thinking, well, it's not natural to have every link coming back to that web page saying exactly the same thing. Some people might link to it with George Bush is a miserable failure. Someone might link to it just with the url, someone might link to it with click here. You need to be making sure that you build those links back to the website in this natural way.

Also we'll build these links over a time period. This is important in any off page optimization tactic. This is something I once thought but I have not seen anything that supports it. I don't believe you can build links too quickly to a site if it is aged. When you have registered a web site name, let it age, put that content on then and there later when you come back to develop it, if you have done that, you cannot actually build links too swiftly. Just go over any Marc Lindsay interview and you will learn how vital this is in your overall S.E.O.

My faith is the idea all you've got to do is look at a press release. When you look at PR web and when you distribute a PR release online, it'll get distributed out over to a couple of thousand different websites. It's all exactly the same content and your website goes from 0 links to the day after having ten thousand links.

The old school theory is the assumption that is not natural to go from nil links to ten thousand links. I believe it must do with the way that you build those links, so long as you're building it naturally. A press release is natural. It might not be natural to have 10,000 links all appear from WordPress blogs over one night. That sort of thing is what we would like to build out.

I had a product called the S.E.O System, I still do, where I am going quite heavily into the way that I do S.E.O. This product is good if you are going after awfully competitive markets and also if you desire to find out about the SEO basics. We use lots of different services to get access to different web sites that we will be able to post content on, so we can backlink to our own internet site. But working with local firms you do not need to do that this hard.

So just about I put together a straightforward plan of attack on how it's possible for you to build back links to your internet site. So when you are able to say, right I am up to my SEO now and I am going to start building links, here is a easy plan. I attempted to make it so the cost is as low as possible . Lots of the sources are just free.

Stage one, let's just say we've got our internet site here, that is our main money phrase and then we also have coming off that, we'll have our second tier pages, so these are services and products. These are your most vital pages, they are going to be one link away from the default page. As well as that, you could have your blog and there are going to be some different posts. We'll just concentrate on building links. Over a period we will start to build links to the blogs.

The very first thing that I really like to do, and I could do this as soon as we first start working with a customer, we'll make sure that we build links, we submit to directories. Directories are, before Google came about, I do not know if anybody has been on the web long enough to remember what the index page of Yahoo! Used to look like, or Lycos or things like that. It would just have a lot of different lists of different classes. You'd click and say, right, I am inquisitive about health and you'd click that. I'm interested in physio and you'd click that and you'd drill further into the site. Then it might just have a catalogue of companies and internet sites and stuff like that. That's what a directory is. You must also look into an Article Marketing Automation review.

Begin to submit to directories and you will be able to build many links. Naturally that is as well as your different types of off page optimization.

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New Unique Article!

Title: Learn About These Off Page Optimization Tips
Author: Reed Slidell
Keywords: off page optimization,off page SEO,SEO,search engine optimization,internet
Word Count: 880
Category: SEO

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