Friday, January 27, 2012

Unique Content Article: Finding A Balance In Life

Finding A Balance In Life

by Carl Orlafski

Countless Americans are either out of work or sadly underemployed. The country's poverty rate is at a staggering high. Everyone across the land is struggling just to feed their families and provide some sort of shelter. Those people with jobs are struggling, too, to make ends meet and pay all the bills. For years, families have had to depend on two incomes to survive. It can seem sometimes that all we do is work and yet, it still doesn't bring in enough money to meet our needs.

Any person lucky enough to have a job at all realizes that the business they are working in is having a hard time staying in business. Employers are encouraging early retirement, cutting hours and laying off hourly workers by the hundreds. Those working are giving it their all so their employers will appreciate their value and spare them from being doomed to the same fate as those unlucky folks mentioned above.

Salaried employees have the advantage of knowing how much income they will bring home every month making budgeting in a tight economy easier. As will all things, there is a downside here too.

Most people who are salaried find that they make far less than they would if they were hourly. The reason that so many companies have salaried positions is because they can get their employees to work as many hours as they need without having to pay them any more money. This can be really hard on a family because when we are salaried most of us have to work more which causes us to miss softball games and football with our kids.

Working life has always been something of a vicious circle. When we work an hourly job we get sent home early and can see our families for once but we don't work enough hours to pay for the bare necessities, let alone a family hockey outing. As salaried workers, we make enough to support the family but have no time for the family hockey outing. There has got to be a better way.

Now, thanks to new technology we can have the perfect compromise. We can choose to start our own business, and with the right software and support we can be very successful. Because online business is booming so much, running our own business online would allow us to be able to make enough money to be able to pay all the bills and still give us the option of being there for every dinner and every little league game.

Many people put their family first. Part of this is providing them with food to eat and roof over their heads. It can be very difficult to strike a balance between working life and family life as there are so few hours in a day. When the company you work for is your own, though, you can set your own working schedule and never miss important family dates again.

The number of successful online businesses is testimony to the viability of online entrepreneurship. Given the right software for your business and substantial support, anyone with the will and determination can create their own cyber-enterprise. How wonderful must it be to realize that finally your earnings depend on your own merit.

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New Unique Article!

Title: Finding A Balance In Life
Author: Carl Orlafski
Keywords: capital online revenue,home business,work life balance,balance,business,work from home,home business,online business,internet,uncategorized
Word Count: 544
Category: Internet Business

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