Sunday, February 26, 2012

Unique Content Article: The 3 Gigantic Pitfalls Of Small Business Online Marketing

The 3 Gigantic Pitfalls Of Small Business Online Marketing

by Eddie Bryant

If you're a successful business owner with annual profits over $1 million, congratulations! You've probably solved a number of core business challenges. Such as, operations, finance, IT, customer service, sales, and so on.

Regardless, however, of how well-oiled your business is... It's more than likely suffering from marketing cancer. While most all small business owners can sell, manage, and serve their customers... most of those small business owners express complete frustration and annoyance with their marketing efforts. Is this you?

"I do everything in my business. I'm the CEO and I'm the customer support agent... Heck, I'm even the company's marketing expert. But sales are not what they could be."

If you're like most small business owners, you're trying it all your own... And you're failing BIG time. The truth is, marketing done wrong will continue to hurt.

For you, the small business owner, failed business marketing is either one or a combination of a few different problems: Strategy, Execution, and Accountability. Very few businesses get one right, much less all three right!


We all love choices, well, that is until there are too many choices. And when it comes to creating a small business marketing strategy, the options are simply overwhelming. You've got social media, like Facebook marketing? Then there's local search marketing? Don't forget about direct marketing? Email marketing? Local advertising? And so forth.

Where is your marketing plan? Didn't you sit down and write it up months ago? Or was it put together last night?

Within the last five years, the small business marketing community has experienced a HUGE shift. The old models of dealing on the golf course, pushing ads in your local newspapers, and waiting for the telephone to ring are no longer relevant.

Fact is, the traditional local business advertising methods are dying: yellow pages, newspaper, television, radio and so on. And the small business online marketing revolution is here!

Your customers are no longer searching for your local small business in these older mediums. They are searching for you online!

Yet few small businesses have succeeded at adapting to the changing marketplace; many throw their hands up in frustration. The solution? Well, keep tuned to find out.


Once you have your strategy in place, then, you're faced with the exciting challenge of how to get things done. Most small business owners are simply just too busy running their other everyday business duties... and that leaves no time left to market their products or services.

You might be great at sales, but your marketing ship is sinking: that website design which was supposed to take two months is now taking over a year to get done; that new product logo still hasn't made the simple leap from an idea in your head to the pencil and paper; your sales teams still lacks all of the tools they need to beat and outdo your competition. You can put a simple golden marketing plan in place, but without action... without putting it into execution... what good is gold dirt with no gold pan? Simple, it isn't. You need all parts working to extract the gold... to extract the buyers from the non-buyers.

Most small business owners circumvent the execution step with a strong personal network and a strong sales force. This "one new customer at a time" approach is only good enough to maintain your current sales levels... you cannot take it to the next level without proper marketing tactics AND execution of those tactics.


Small business owners are frustrated because they're spending money on small business online marketing, but can rarely point to the "wins" brought by their efforts. This is where accountability comes into play.

You need to set certain parameters into place to test your local business internet marketing efforts. For instance, most small business execute a marketing plan and never hold that plan accountable to it's success or failures.

Sure, they did all the other steps right. They created a strategy... Then they put that strategy into action. They are already ahead of most small businesses. But their small business marketing is still lacking the last: the accountability.

How do they know if their local business advertising is working? And if it's not, how will they know when to cease the marketing strategy? Holding your marketing plans accountable for it's own success and failures will mean the difference between your businesses success and failures.

While all the above, the three elements to small business online marketing, are important to your small business... They can also be susceptible to failure if not put into place and managed properly. What's the best solution? Hire a internet marketing company who is experienced in small business online marketing. Do this, and you will be on the track to business marketing success!

Let a professional local marketing company do what they do, and you do what you do best - run your business.

About the Author:

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New Unique Article!

Title: The 3 Gigantic Pitfalls Of Small Business Online Marketing
Author: Eddie Bryant
Keywords: small business online marketing,local marketing,small business,business
Word Count: 818
Category: Small Business

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