Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Unique Content Article: Fear of Freedom: Personal Development for the Multilevel Businessperson

Fear of Freedom: Personal Development for the Multilevel Businessperson

by Nancy Harnell

That's correct....I said "Fear of Freedom"!

When you take that leap of faith into multilevel promoting, we sometimes tend to have a fear of freedom on a subconscious level. admitting it's exciting, and, on the surface, the idea of never having to answer to your boss again appears like bliss, change could be horrible!

Deep down, this can be greatly horrible, due to "fear of freedom"! Why? Because we're programmed for structure from the day we're born. We advance to preschool and we are trained to ask consent to go to the bathroom, and we all need to take rests at the same time, exhausted or not. Then we advance to grade school where we all need to be there at a certain time and leave not an instant before the bell rings. Then junior high and high school - and we're prepared to make the grade to qualify for the precise college. Everything is in black and white and structured. Folks generally deal with structure and respond to plan. And, if you have been associated in a J-O-B (just over broke) where you need to punch the timeclock, you have built a habit of behaving like the android, in motion to lunch when the bell sounds, no breaks until you hear the bell; and you need to call the employer if you are running as much as 5 minutes behind schedule!

Now, imagine yourself leaping from that way of life to having all the being free in the is terrible! Now, when you don't possess the structure and the boss with a stick in your side, your desk becomes the kitchen table, and your colleagues come to be the refrigerator, the couch, and your kids now have a servant for them 24/7! When you are used to structure in your life, nothing whatever can cause you more out of alignment with you and the purpose than of a system!

Why do humans have a fear of freedom?

I realize it appears ridiculous, but it's within our nature to prefer that which we came from, which translates in plenty of cases to fear of freedom. here's an analogy: a while back there was a picture in the paper where a baby had been evilly battered, covered with black and blue marks. And, in the story, the policewoman was trying to take the baby away from the mother who had caused such abuse. However the baby was crying because it yet wanted to go back from the mother. The baby was afraid of being taken away from what it believed at the time was its "comfort zone".

Once used to structure, the average individual could invest his while making charts, studying the product, analyzing results - all to the tune of "working" nevertheless never really performing any one thing substantial. They just, "ready, aim, aim, start..." and at no time shoot!

Ways to Combat Your Fear of Freedom.....

So here is my suggestion: begin your business part time. Start a schedule of about 10-15 hours per week, and schedule the hour on your calendar where you know you could pay attention to your business. Pay attention to the plan in your life at least that much. That way, anyone can transfer to the businessperson attitude gradually. When you have been familiar to the structured life where your boring J-O-B provides you, multilevel promoting is entire transformation. You will love the new you, but this brand-new leader disposition requires time to develop. Taking your distributorship via the internet is a fantastic way to begin.

About the Author:

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New Unique Article!

Title: Fear of Freedom: Personal Development for the Multilevel Businessperson
Author: Nancy Harnell
Keywords: fear of freedom,freedom from fear,freedom of fear
Word Count: 593
Category: Entrepreneurs

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