Monday, February 27, 2012

Unique Content Article: Small business, great profits for the population

Small business, great profits for the population

by Abel Pardo

Globalization and business crisis affect all the planet. But small projects can be successfully developed not by NGOs, but by little and mid sized business all around the planet. Here we can see an example, how a non profit made a garden and farm for animals in Senegal.

One Project, one Objective

In the years 2010 and 2011 one project was launched by Yakaar Africa, a non profit association, doing a garden fence around an area of 10,000 m2 designed for this purpose in Senegal. Nevertheless the lack of adequate water to meet the end of the dry season (April-May 2011) significantly conditioned it avoiding reaching the specified outcomes. It was a good try and an example that things can be done in a right way.

This fact led on to reconsider the project based on drilling a well of 40 meters depth, accompanied by mechanical extraction means, important to guarantee sufficient water supply in both quantity and quality.The completing of the well will start the garden, with all that that implies as carrying water tanks, purchase of seeds, agriculture tools, etc.

Creating work, creating medical conditions

To ensure that the garden work in suitable conditions of productivity and supportability, it is foreseen to hire a local engineer specialised in agriculture. This expert will counsel girls in improved rural systems with proper continuity during the beginning stages of project implementation. A different job will be created.

In parallel will be made a farm for raising chickens, goats, ducks and other animals acclimatized to local conditions. This farm will need the construction of a ship with the facilities and mandatory equipment for this reason. It is also foreseen to buy the 1st copies of each animal species selected for the purpose of implementing the farm.

With this fact, population of the hamlet will have new roles, more proteins in their diets, and an economic development will stand in the area.

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New Unique Article!

Title: Small business, great profits for the population
Author: Abel Pardo
Keywords: business,senegal,africa,non profit,small business,economy,projects,Abel Pardo,farms,animals,development
Word Count: 327
Category: Business

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