Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Unique Content Article: Writing Basics

Writing Basics

by Kenneth Marlowe

One of the more difficult tasks for the new author is finding a publisher. The writers that make a very good living, such as Stephen King or John Grisham are in the minority. It takes a best seller to enable you to give up the day job. I would like to write a book but I struggle to find the time. More people than ever are buying books and it's very competitive. There are less independent publishers now and the big companies don't want to take too many risks on a new writer. They're not always smart about their choices either. J.K. Rowling was rejected several times. One of the best online cover designers is self publishing, which is highly recommended for new and professional authors.

I read sometimes about people who have marketed their debut novel and been provided a huge advance to create another one. Just when I'm fuming with envy, I notice that they sold the movie rights for squillions of money! The most irritating factor is when a famous person is commissioned to write a book, only to employ an anonymous freelancer. Sports personalities seem to do that often. They take all the credit and most of the money. English soccer star David Beckham even received a literary award for his so called work at an autobiography.

The fortunate writers are the ones that have a publisher really driving them. A new writer needs plenty of publicity after they create a book. Sometimes, the public is manipulated a little into buying a book. I have seen book covers with scantily clad ladies that I know has very little relevance to the plot.

So what are the books that sell well? Non-fiction subjects such as cookery, travel, home improvement and gardening are always in demand. Writing a book on a topic that your are not familar with will take some additional research. I could try my hand at fiction but that seems a harder market to crack. If you have a vivid imagination you might try your hand at the crime or thiller genre. I'm more into novels about the human condition, which explore relationships and modern society. Your writing would have to be very, very good for a publisher to want to sign a contract with you.

Sometimes, a great novel will come along that's critically acclaimed and a best seller. This just proves to me that the general public is underestimated and there is a demand for thoughtful stories. Publishers, like TV networks and film producers should stop dumbing down.

In any case, there can be be many freelance writing jobs available to you once you are in the know. When you learn how to write to your clients needs and meet those needs properly with each and every assignment that you do, employment will be available to you.

A well written protfolio is the most important tool for finding a good writing job. Any writer can create pieces of work to show to individuals who want a sample. The material in your portfoliio does not have to be commissioned work. It can simply be material that you have written specifically for your portfolio. Of course, you will always put your best and most relevant work in your portfolio.

Strive to meet the client's needs. This will mean that you meet deadlines. You will always write you best material for every customer. Understand the customer's requirements and write to those requirements.

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New Unique Article!

Title: Writing Basics
Author: Kenneth Marlowe
Keywords: book cover,cover design,book covers,cover designer
Word Count: 587
Category: Writing

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