Sunday, July 27, 2014

Re: Complimentary Website Analysis


My name is Jack Hall, and I’m a senior account executive at Business SEM (Search Engine Marketing) consulting firm. I would like to perform an in depth website and target market analysis for your business, completely complimentary.

This process will give you access to vital information many SEO companies and “cookie cutter” online website analyzers leave out: complete list of industry keywords and search volume, detailed ranking report for Google, Yahoo and Bing, crucial backlink information and detailed strategically information on your competitors sites (their target keywords, current ranking positions, backlink profile)!

It takes 10 minutes to go through the analysis and by that time we’ll both know if I’d be a good fit for your business or not. If not, at least you have some invaluable information to take with you. There really is no obligation.

You can sign up for the analysis on our website  Get Free or provide me a phone number so I can call and schedule with you.

Thank you for your time,

Jack Hall
Business SEM
(Phone): 860-581-4976

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